Calgary Rifle & Pistol Club


Information, Updates, Accomplishments & Celebrations

Lynda Kiejko, Double Gold Medalist (25m Pistol, 10m Air Pistol)2015 Pan Am Games, Toronto, ON

Lynda Kiejko, Double Gold Medalist (25m Pistol, 10m Air Pistol)
2015 Pan Am Games, Toronto, ON


July 14 Update: Revised Club COVID-19 Rules

Cover-19 Operating Update

As mentioned we have been in continuous communication with AHS concerning range opening, spacing, and mask use.

Some changes that will give our shooters more freedom, when shooting on the range:


  • If there are less than 10 people in the club room/annex, and spacing is being practised, then the wearing of masks is optional.

  • However if you wish to get closer than 2 meters to someone else, then regardless of the number of people in the clubroom/annex, you and the other person, must wear a mask.

  • If there are more than 10 people in the clubroom/annex area then the wearing of masks by everyone, becomes necessary.


  • Where 2 or more shooters have a vacant lane between them, and their nearest other shooter, then the wearing of masks is optional.

  • Where 2 or more shooters have no vacant lane between them, then the wearing of masks becomes necessary.

Matches / Competitions

Please note: Both the Monday night rifle challenge and the Wednesday pistol league operate under the normal range rules above.

  • When a Match competition is being run, the match officials, coaches and chaperones must, if spacing is not possible or practical, wear their masks.

  • Match rules as stated above are the responsibility and are under the authority of the senior match official.

All other requirements are under the authority of the Range officer of the day.

Happy shooting
Your executive